Direct gloss spray paint for car AUDI / VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE CABRIO in car manufacturer colour y3d tornadorot

Car custom spray paint direct gloss colours AUDI / VOLKSWAGEN y3d tornadorot

Spray can 400 ml

Spray paint for car touch up AUDI / VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE CABRIO y3d tornadorot

y3d tornadorot

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Availability: Good Unit price: 18.25 €without VAT 21.90 € VAT includedValid until: 31-03-2025 Add to Cart

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Product Description

Custom Paint NextColor in all solid colours (not metallic) of AUDI / VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE CABRIO perfect for a simple and quick touch up of AUDI / VOLKSWAGEN car bodyworks. It is created following customers' request, producing the paint with the original colour code. The paint colour is produced at the time of purchase and written on the spraycan label. This is a y3d tornadorot spray paint, anyway if your car has a different colour you can find easily your car colour code thanks to our guide (see on the right).
One Coat: these paints have an excellent shine so they can be used without protective clear coat and they can also be polished with the right products, we suggest to use our practical car abrasive paste to get a higher brilliance.
Anyway, for the best shining you can apply a Gloss Protective Cear Coat, even available in Professional 2K High Gloss Clear Coat lacquers: See the Clear Coat short guide to choose the most suitable for your needs.
One spraycan covers a surface about 1 mq wide (2 coats).
Small differences in colour are possible.
Instructions for Use: Clean carefully the surface. Shake well the can for some minutes. Spray paint temperature must be 20°/25°C. Spray on the surface to be painted in an uniform way at about 20-25 cm distance. To prevent leaking, we recommend to spray the paint in thin layers, repeating if necessary. For an excellent coverage, the use of thespraycan handle is recommended: it lets spread the paint with more precision.
Available in Pastel Colours.
Remove the paint with acetone and/or nitro thinner.

Technical Details

ml: 400

Technical Details and Useful suggests: The custom car paints NextColor are mainly pastel colours paints: they have an excellent shine, so they can be used without protective lacquer and they can also be polished with the special products. For the best results protect with a Clear Coat: See the short Guide to chose the clear coat.

Last Update: Nov 28, 2024, Views: 25,763,411

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