Car body gloss/matt Lacquer: High Gloss 2K Clear Coat in pot ml 100
2k gloss or matt clear coat in pot High Gloss 2K Clear Coat in pot ml 100
- Product code: TRV-2K-ml100
- EAN: 8052131637572
- Pack: Pot/Can with hardener
- Category: Professional 2K Bodywork Clear Coats
Product Description
2k polyurethane lacquer in high gloss or matt finish. Availabe in pot 100 ml or 50 ml (100 ml are equal to one 400 ml spraycan; 50 ml are equal to one 200 ml spraycan).
It is a catalyzed lacquer ideal to protect all the paints in professional way, especially bodywork paints of cars and motorbikes. This 2k Lacquer is resistant to alcohol, petrol, (partially to the solvents too), UV rays and to scratching.
This is a two- component Lacquer so the packaging contains two separated containers (polyurethane lacquer and catalyst) to be combined with each other at the moment of the use.
PREPARATION AND USE: prepare the mixture, composed by lacquer and catalyst, in the small measuring glass, included in the packaging. To paint with gun or with our Spray Gun, dilute the mixture with polyurethane thinner (you can use our POLI60). For information about the quantities, look at Technical Details below. Prepare always only the quantity that you need because th mixture lenght after the preparation is about 24 hours (20°C).
We recommend to do first of all a spray test. Spray the 2k Lacquer at 20-25 cm distance. Spread a coat of paint spraying both in horizontal and in vertical way, crossing the two directions. If necessary, repeat the action after 5-15 minutes (when the paint is not completely dry yet).
The coverage of 100 ml of varnish with thinner is about 1.5-2.50 mq.
NOTE: If you want to know something more about our Spray Gun - The Professional Portable Sprayer, look at our article. It works as a normal painting gun, after having been cleaned with nitro solvent, it can be used again several times. With one propellant sprayer you can spread up to 500 ml of paint.
TO REMOVE USE ACETONE AND/OR NITRO THINNER (before the complete drying).
Technical Details
from ml: 50
Technical Details and Useful suggests: Examples of quantity for the preparation of High Gloss Lacquer:
Examples of quantity for the preparation of Matt Lacquer:
Drying time:
- dry dust free (at 20°C and 60% RH) 15-20 min
- dry to the touch (at 20°C and 60% RH) 30-60 min
- dry in depth (at 20°C and 60% RH) 48 hours.
More formats
2k High Gloss Clear Coat in can 500 gr
2k High Gloss Clear Coat in pot ml 50
2k Matt Clear Coat in can 500 gr
2k Matt clear coat in pot ml 100
High Gloss 2K Clear Coat in can 250 gr
High Gloss 2K Clear Coat in pot ml 100
Matt 2k Clear Coat in can 250 gr
Matt 2k clear coat in pot ml 50
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The reviews of those who bought this product

Tutto perfetto... Consiglio veramente...
Tutto perfetto !!! Consiglio veramente il Sito
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persone molto...
persone molto disponibili risolto il problema della mancata consegna con un secondo invio sono molto professionali
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Ottimi prodotti...
Ottimi prodotti di qualità a prezzi molto competitivi. La spedizione è stata veloce ed i prodotti ben imballati. completamente soddisfatto consiglio vivamente. Grazie tanto a Voi.
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Colore perfetto...
Colore perfetto e consegna veloce. Se dovessi avere bisogno di altre vernici sicuramente le comprerei qui
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Ho acquistato...
Ho acquistato una vernice per la mia Clio 4 per rimuovere dei graffi, devo dire che il risultato è stato veramente soddisfacente, il paraurti è tornato come nuovo!
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Molto gentili...
Molto gentili e competenti. Mi hanno risposto anche alle domande consigli e cura. I prodotti sono arrivati in tempo e sono di buona qualità
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Nous sommes ...
Nous sommes à nouveau très contents du produit, de la livraison et ne manquerons pas de faire à nouveau appel à vous en cas de besoin et vous recommander. Cordiales salutations. AD Mulhouse - France
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Aucun problème... Produits de ...
Aucun problème rencontré pour ma commande. Produits de qualité , je conseille VerniciSpray .
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Ottima azienda...
Ottima azienda, colori conformi all'originale. Consiglio vivamente!
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Tanto la pintura...
Tanto la pintura perlada como el barniz bicomponente fueron perfectos.
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J'utilise ce...
J'utilise ce produit en première couche, au pinceau, sur des décalque "à sec" pour les fixer. En couche assez "nourrie". Puis ponçage à l'eau (grain 1000) et vernis PU 2K pour finir. Résultat excellent. Si on utilise directement un vernis en aérosol le solvant attaque les décalques.
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Ancora non ho...
Ancora non ho utilizzato la vernice. Quindi non posso dare un giudizio in merito (anche se credo che nulla di negativo sia da rilevare). Per tutto il resto... grazie! Favolosi!
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Bonjour, Les frais d'expédition sont peut-être un peu élevés, mais par-contre la marchandise est très bien arrivée, impeccablement préparée et emballée. Je suis très satisfait de ma commande et de la facilité avec laquelle j'ai pu trouver les produits et leurs explications ! Merci beaucoup à vous ! Patrice
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Produit convenant...
Produit convenant parfaitement à mes attentes .Pas de différence avec la peinture constructeur. A recommander
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Bon Produit ...
Bon Produit et plus avantageux que de simple stylo de retouche et plus aisé a se servir .
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Comme toujours...
Comme toujours très satisfait de la prestation de vernicisprays!
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Sono rimasto...
Sono rimasto molto soddisfatto il prodotto è ottimo. Non ho consiglio da dare,va bene così
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Ottimo prodotto. L?imballo si può migliorare ma per il resto tutto ok. Consigliato.
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